Saturday, February 20, 2016

He Said ... #1


This blog is one of my new idea. It's going to take a common question of some type and look at guys views vs. girls views.

The one I wanted to start with was this ..

What turns you off from a girl/guy?

I'm going to start with the guys responses. So this post, it's for us girls!  This is basically the responses. To be honest, they surprised me!

* If a girl is rude, ignores me, or is mean to others...basic stuff. ;P

* Smoking is one of the worst I think you guys know that. 

* For me personally, tattoos and other sorts of piercings (obviously not ear piercings but most others)
* Yes those are good ones!

* Definitely smoking... tattoos aren't bad sometimes.... too many piercings is ew
* Yeah, if it's excessive then it's ew
* When girls fish for compliments it really annoys me. "I'm not good looking" me "well when you say stuff like that, you sure as heck aren't"
* When they swear or wear revealing clothing. I turn off faster than a light in a photophobics room I just think revealing clothing sends a message that the girl is insecure and trying to use her body to get attention. Besides, outward appearances are only skin deep.

* I think it some times depends on the attitude of the girl and how she feels about it. granted, if a any girl is wearing something that makes me uncomfortable, I still don't like it. But if it's some I know is not trying to get my attention, I'm less likely to feel uncomfortable.

* A turn off for me is when a girl, well for lack of a better term, "pursues" me, but I know that she's been with/ liked a bunch of other guys. I don't wanna be number 37, you know what I mean?

* hey guys, i have a topic that "turns me off" too much makeup!

* Ahhhhh yeh i forgot about that Definitely Honestly sometimes i prefer no makeup at all

* I just prefer none

And this wasn't all of them!

Girls, I think it's obvious. Guys look on how we look. And we need to support our brothers in Christ! We need to dress modestly, we need to respect them! We need to be Daughters of the King, shining with a beauty from within!

One thing I found super interesting was, they said they like less makeup! They like looking at the real you! They like it when they don't have to worry about what you're wearing, they can look you in the eye and not have to worry that their eyes will flick to something they shouldn't be seeing or dwelling on. They like knowing you! 

Girls, I know this is hard for us to understand. We don't think like that! In the next post, I'll be sharing about that for the guys! But I think it is important for us to realize guys do.

That's why I started this blog, so we can help out brothers and sisters in growing, healthy, strong relationships!

I want to end each post with some words from our King. These were actually sent to me by one of the guys in my group chat.

1 Timothy 2:9-10 
Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works

Song of Solomon 4:7 
You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

1 Peter 3:4
But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.

Go with God! Shine for your Brothers!

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